A Candidate's Perspective
The AOSB will look at your potential to be an effective British Army Officer. The assessments examine your ability to develop through training at Sandhurst. Every aspect will be assessed and no single activity will lead to non-selection. Therefore, if you make a mistake, or think something went badly, you must put it behind you and carry on giving everything in the next assessment.
Immerse yourself in the Army. Research and understand the roles it plays, its history, its structure, differing regiments, the equipment it uses, ranks and the roles and responsibilities of an Officer. Give some thought to which part of the Army you want to serve in. Learn about the different regiments, the role they play and their history.
Explore what your motivations are to join and find out why you love the Army and the role. Always hold onto that love and desire to join; remember your motivations and why you want it. There will be times through the selection process when you really have to work hard and fight for it. Holding onto your motivations and your love through everything will give you the continued determination to succeed.
Understand and apply the Army’s Values and Standards. They are much more than words on a page, they are what the British Army stands for, and what sets them apart from society. If you believe in them and apply them, you will have a better understanding of the process and whether the role really is for you.
Be aware of current affairs, especially about society or defence. It’s important that you understand what’s going on in the world and what you might be deployed on in the future. I highly recommend getting into the habit of keeping up with current affairs to give you a clear and rounded view whilst allowing you to form your own opinion.
Prepare yourself physically and mentally. Find out exactly what is expected of you through selection and prepare yourself accordingly. Start your fitness preparation today – it is the one known element of the selection and so you should be 100% prepared for it. Use every opportunity to revise and familiarise yourself with the process. If your goal truly is to be a British Army Officer, ask yourself, “What have I done today to help me achieve my goal?”
The AOSB is not a competition. There is a standard to meet and no quota, if everyone meets that standard you will all pass. Be competitive by all means but also be a team player, be bold, be enthusiastic and give it your all in every assessment for yourself and your team. Work well as a team throughout and there is a good chance you’ll all make the standard.
Be confident and passionate in everything you say and do, a good attitude will go along way. It is important to also relax, stay calm and be attentive at all times; the AOSB is highly pressurised and they want to see you handle stressful situations. Do not flap.
You will consistently hear the advice, “Be yourself”. Take this how you want but it is extremely good advice. You are not yet an officer and so do not try and be what you think an officer is, they are not looking for the finished article; they are looking for potential officers. And so it’s best to be yourself, enjoy the experience and give your absolute everything in everything you do whilst on selection.
Start preparing yourself today.
Good Luck.