A Candidate's Perspective
Assuming you get the go ahead you will be invited back to Westbury for a 3½ day assessment. The AOSB Main Board consists of a number of different but inter-linked intellectual, physical, mental and aptitude tests.
The tests are designed to show how you react in stressful situations, both as a individual and within a group and whether you have demonstrated the leadership potential to become of effective British Army officer.
You will be assessed continually, whether you are temporarily in charge of a task or just a participant.
The Main Board is not easy; you will need to prepare and be physically and mentally fit to pass. Make sure you show yourself to the best of your abilities.
Every aspect of the Main Board is covered in the guide, ‘HOW TO PASS THE AOSB. A candidate’s perspective’. The guide gives a thorough account of what to expect at the AOSB Main Board and advice on how to prepare and ultimately give you the best possible chance of passing.
It contains over 60 pages of advice and tips from those who can give the best advice: The candidate's themselves.
The programme for the AOSB Main Board is outlined below: