A Candidate's Perspective
Heading 1
Once you have been medically cleared, your CSM will help you prepare for Briefing. The briefing takes place over one and a half days; it is designed to give potential officers an idea of what is required and expected at the Main Board and is an opportunity for you to learn some of the techniques that will better prepare you. AOSB assessors will determine your readiness for Officer Selection and highlight any developmental areas you may need to focus on before you reach the Main Board.
To allow candidates to appreciate fully the physical and mental assessments they will face on the AOSB Main Board, and the standards they will have to meet, a number of those assessments are held at AOSB Briefing. The Briefing is designed to assess:
Intellect and the mental agility to cope with the pressure of being an Army officer;
Problem solving ability, both on paper and in practical tasks;
Personality – does the candidate possess the right qualities for an Army officer; and
Physical ability.
Some of the assessments has been gone through in the 'Tests & Assessments' heading. All aspects of the AOSB Briefing are in covered in thorough details in the guide:
The instructors at Briefing will be taking the opportunity to consider your suitability for a commission, so you should be proactive in all activities to give the best impression possible.
The programme for the AOSB briefing is outlined below: