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You begin your journey to become British Army Officer when you submit an application through the Army website. This will raise you as a candidate and from there the Officer Selection process has four key stages.


Each stage is highlighted below and covers what to expect and what you need to do:



Upon passing an initial eligibility assessment you will assigned a Candidate Support Manager (CSM) and from there you should be hearing from a Senior Careers Advisor (SCA) from your local Armed Forces Careers Office (AFCO) to arrange an interview.


The interview itself will be part of an Officer Briefing Day (OBD). The OBD comprises an overall briefing on the Army, the role and responsibilities of an officer, the officer selection process and choice of regiment. The OBD will also involve group introductions, a current affairs discussion and your individual interview. The whole session will last approximately four hours.


Advice on preparation prior to this interview:


  • You should have spent some time researching the qualities and responsibilities expected of a young officer.

  • Be aware of the format of the Army Officer Selection Board (AOSB).

  • Consider possible regiments and corps you want to join and why.

  • Plan your physical fitness preparation. 

  • Be clear on your motivations for wanting to be an Army Officer.


Advice on preparation for the Group Introductions:


  • Don’t just talk about the Army; they are more interested about who you are, this is an introduction to you!

  • Potential areas to cover: Explain who you are, talk about your family, your education, things you have done, your interests, your hobbies, your achievements, what you are doing now.

  • Be passionate, clear, concise and confident.

  • Practice your introduction before you arrive, make sure it’s bang on 2 minutes.


Advice on preparation for the Group Discussions:


  • Keep up to date with current affairs

  • Be prepared to contribute but also demonstrate you are a good listener

  • Communicate clearly and concisely

  • Try and involve others into the discussion who have not had a chance to speak

  • Sit up in your chair and look presentable


Your Candidate Support Manager will also have given you some advice on preparation for the interview via the officer pages on the Army jobs website.


This is a formal interview and the start of your selection process.  This is your first opportunity to show that you are potential officer material. Make sure you are dressed in a suit or something similar; make sure those shoes are polished and your tie knot is neat and small. Dark Navy and Charcoal suits are encouraged.

There is no need to overly worry about the interview – just relax and be honest.


Once the interview has taken place the SCA will provide your CSM with a report on your suitability to become a British Army Officer.




Upon passing your interview you will be sent a Recruitment Group Medical Declaration (RGMD) form, which is designed to check your medical history. You must fill in part of the form and then take it to your Doctor, who completes the rest and will return it directly to the Officer Recruiting Team.


When the Officer Recruiting Team have received your completed forms, and they have been checked and cleared by their medical staff, you will be given a date to attend a face-to-face medical assessment.


You will undergo a thorough medical examination by a Doctor to confirm that you are fit enough to conduct further selection activities without incurring any undue risk or injury.




  • Complete the RGMD and take it to your Doctor promptly. I cannot stress this enough. Any delay in passing your medical will delay your whole application process and so make sure you are pushing your Doctor’s surgery to return your RGMD quickly.

  • Keep working on your fitness; Train regularly.

  • Read the joining instructions for the face-to-face medical assessment carefully to ensure you arrive in the appropriate clothing and take along any additional information required.


Your CSM will be notified of the results of your medical and will inform you accordingly.




Once you have passed your medical you are invited to take part in the next stages of the Officer Selection Process: The AOSB Briefing followed by the AOSB Main Board.


These will take place at the AOSB. The AOSB is the Officer Assessment centre used by the British Army which is located at Leighton house, Westbury, Wiltshire. As the Army’s Officer Selection Centre it assesses candidates for a commission as a Regular or reserve Officer.


AOSB Briefing:


An INITIAL 2 DAY COURSE preparing and screening candidates for the Main Board. This website is partly aimed at helping practice for the 3 mental aptitude tests that take place on the first day of the Briefing.


AOSB Main Board:


A 4 DAY COURSE containing a variety physical, mental, and academic aptitude tests and tasks designed to determine an individual's suitability for attending the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and from there commissioning as an Officer in the British Army.


© MMXVIII by Brown 46.

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