A Candidate's Perspective
Here you will find all the information you need to help you begin your career as a British Army Officer.
Within this site you will find the guide, 'HOW TO PASS THE AOSB, A Candidate's Perspective'. Inside are essential advice and tips that will to help you prepare in passing the Army Officer Selection Board (AOSB) and earning a place at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS).
The guide outlines the whole format and process of the AOSB Main Board, and will thoroughly prepare you for every test and assessment which you will encounter. It aims to not only provide you with insider tips and advice but also help you put yourself in the best possible mindset for the AOSB. The methods outlined for each stage of the AOSB Main Board will maximise your chances of success.
The guide will not transform you into someone you are not. Nor will it provide any tricks, cheats or shortcuts to get you through the selection process; by no means do I intend to undermine the selection process. It will however give you an insight into what the Assessing Officers are looking for and arm you with the fundamental knowledge you need to prepare and give you the best possible chance for succeeding in your ambition to pass the AOSB.
Throughout the website I have also provided some very useful information on the selection process, gone through several of tests and assessments candidates worry about the most, put together a list of the best links to practice the mental aptitude tests, provided some great reading material and given you just about every sample planning exercise found online.
In the link below I have compiled a summary of the best tips for success I can give to anyone going through the process. They are not specific to any particular assessment but strong guidance and things to remember to help you push yourself through your preparation and indeed the assessments themselves.
I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck and the best possible success in all you do.
Brown 46